Rucking Made Easy: Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide in 2024

Written By AdamK  |  Blog  |  0 Comments

Enthusiastic beginner preparing for a ruck in a sunlit, serene park.

Key Highlights

  1. Rucking is basically walking or hiking while carrying a backpack with extra weight in it.
  2. This extra weight makes walking better for you. It helps make your muscles stronger. It also keeps you active longer and improves your posture.
  3. Soldiers were the first to do it, but now many people enjoy it because it is helpful and effective.
  4. Some good things about rucking are that it is great for your heart, helps your muscles not get tired quickly, improves balance, and strengthens your bones.
  5. To start rucking the right way, you need the right gear like a weighted backpack and comfortable walking shoes. Start with short walks and light weight. Gradually increase the distance and weight over time.
  6. Making rucking a regular part of your workout can really improve your health and add fun and variety to your routine.

What is Rucking?

Rucking is when you walk or hike while carrying a heavy bag on your back. This bag is called a rucksack. Soldiers use this for training, but now, many people see it as a great way to get stronger. Rucking can be tough and keeps you moving because the added weight makes it harder. It helps some of your muscles work extra hard. A “ruck” is just a short name for these heavy bags, which are also known as weighted rucksacks. If you add more weight to your rucksack, your exercise will be even tougher.

What are the benefits of rucking for fitness?

Rucking is great for your health. It helps your heart and makes you stronger during workouts. It also improves your posture and helps reduce fat. Rucking is a simple exercise that is not hard on your body. This exercise is aerobic, which can improve your heart and lung health and lower your blood pressure. You can do rucking almost anywhere and you don’t need much equipment. This makes rucking a very helpful and effective way to improve your fitness.

The Rise of Rucking: From Military Training to a Trendy Fitness Method

The Rise of Rucking: From Military Training to a Trendy Fitness Method

Rucking began as a workout for soldiers. They had to carry heavy loads to practice moving far with their gear. This exercise was important for more than just building strength. Now, rucking is for everyone, not just soldiers. It’s a fun way to challenge yourself outdoors and get fit. A popular book called “The Comfort Crisis” by Michael Easter has made rucking well-known as a leisure activity.

Rucking helps you grow stronger and last longer. You don’t need to spend much on tools or gym memberships. You can do it by yourself or with friends outdoors, making it more enjoyable. Many ex-military members continue rucking because they understand its benefits and how it builds resilience. There is also a big online group where people share tips and support each other.

  • If you are in the military or want to change your outdoor workout, adding rucking to your routine is a good idea. Unless you are in the Army or Marines, your already rucking more than most people do in their lifetimes!

The Benefits of Rucking: How It Improves Your Health

Rucking is great for your health for several reasons. It involves walking or hiking with some extra weight in your backpack. This activity can really help you in many ways:

  • Your heart beats faster.
  • This makes your heart stronger.
  • It helps your heart stay healthy by fighting off illnesses.

When you walk with more weight on your back, it can help make your bones stronger. As we age, our bones may become weaker. This can cause them to break or lead to issues like osteoporosis. However, carrying weight helps keep our bones strong because they must work harder to support the extra weight.

Taking a backpack outside is good for more than our bodies. It is great for our minds, too. Being in nature and staying active helps to lower stress. It lifts our mood and helps us think clearly, making us feel more calm.


What’s more, rucking torches calories. A person burns 30% to 45% more calories with weighted walking than when strolling sans backpack, Smith said. A 180-pound soldier carrying 35 pounds while walking 15 minutes per mile for 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) burns 680 calories, according to the US Army. – CNN

So, when we add extra weight to a backpack while walking or hiking, it does three great things for us:

  1. It helps us to go longer without feeling tired.
  2. It keeps our hearts healthy.
  3. It keeps our brains sharp.
  4. This shows it is a good way to stay fit in every way.

Getting Ready for Your First Ruck: Things to Know

Before you begin your first ruck, there are some simple things to remember. This section will guide you through all the key steps. We want your rucking experience to be enjoyable and successful.

First, let’s discuss carrying a heavy backpack or rucksack. Doing this can make your workout more challenging. You should use a strong backpack and spread the weight evenly. This helps you stay steady and avoid injury. We will look at the different types of backpacks and weights you can pick, especially those made for carrying a heavy load. We will also share tips on how to choose the best one for you.

Walking straight is very important. It helps balance your weight evenly. This can prevent pain in your back and joints. Here are some tips to help you stand tall. When you practice this, you will feel better and keep pain at bay.

For me I practiced on my treadmill for a few weeks before venturing outside. I wanted to make sure everything worked well and the pack fit right on me. That seemed to help out tremendously!

Choosing Your Gear: How to Pick the Best Backpack and Weights

5.11 Tactical Backpack, Rush 24 2.0, Military Molle Pack, CCW with Multiple Compartments, 37 Liter, Medium, Style 56563, Black
This is the exact rucksack I carry, plus a 25 pound weight.

When you choose things for a rucking walk, remember these tips:

  • Get a backpack or a bag that is good for carrying weight.
  • You will wear it while walking, and it helps to decide how hard your workout is.
  • You can find bags made specifically for this.
  • But if you have an old backpack at home, just add some weights to it.
  • After that, you’re ready to start.

For people who don’t like carrying a backpack, weight vests can make your workouts harder in a good way. These vests carry the weight evenly on your upper body. They provide a great workout without needing to wear a backpack. They are a great choice if you don’t want to hold anything or if you want to make your upper body stronger.

I thought about getting a weighted vest when I started out. Actually I am still thinking about adding one to my inventory. That way I can exercise and strengthen different areas of my body.

When picking a backpack or a weight vest, feel how it sits on your shoulders and upper body. Make sure it isn’t too tight anywhere. Try several weights. Find one that is tough but manageable based on your fitness level.

Shoe Basics: Why Picking the Right Shoes Matters

When you are getting ready for rucking, picking the right shoes is very important. This helps you feel good and stay comfortable. With extra weight on your back, it’s essential to select shoes that provide good support and cushioning for your feet.

  1. Begin by choosing shoes that feel comfortable and are soft to walk in. This can help reduce pain in your lower back and joints, especially when you carry heavy things or walk a long distance.
  2. Shoes that are hard on the bottom but soft will give good support to your feet and ankles.

Also, consider the type of ground you will walk on. If it’s bumpy or uneven, choose shoes with good grips. This will help you stay steady and balanced. If you prefer smooth roads, select sticky and comfy shoes. This will allow your feet to move easily.

Buying good walking shoes is not just about comfort. They also help prevent injuries and keep your feet feeling good after a long walk.

The Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide to Rucking

Got your gear and shoes ready? Let’s get into how to start rucking. We are here to help you with everything you need. This includes how to pack your bag and how to change up your distance and weight. This advice is great for beginners and for anyone looking to get better at rucking. It has all the tips to begin your workouts in a good way.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Ruck Pack

Getting ready for your hike means you must pack your backpack correctly. Choose the right items to include and place them inside. Ensure that the straps fit you snugly. Also, check that the weight is spread out evenly across the backpack.

If you are just starting, it’s a good idea to use lighter weights. You can choose weights between 10 and 20 pounds. As you get better, feel free to add more weight to push yourself further.

After you do that, the next step is to adjust your backpack straps. First, make sure the waist strap is snug but still comfortable. A good fit helps spread the weight evenly. This way, not just one part of your upper body carries all the load. Next, adjust the shoulder straps. They should feel just right, not too loose or too tight. A proper fit keeps your backpack steady and stops it from bouncing as you walk. Also, pick a backpack with a waist strap. This extra support helps with weight distribution, as Heimann advises in “How to Choose the Right Rucksack.”

Another tip, make sure if you have a heavy weight in the pack. Make sure it is secured snuggly. The 25 pound weight I carry tends to flop around in the bag, even though its secured to the pack. That is very annoying for me. Especially when I am doing simulated hill climbs on my treadmill and the weight keeps flopping back and forth on every step.

Before you go, check how you packed everything. This is important for being comfortable when you walk. If your things are not arranged well, it might upset your balance or cause you discomfort.

Step 2: Planning Your First Route

Once you have packed your bag, it is time to choose your walking route. Think about how much walking you can do and select a path that fits your fitness level and goals. If you are just starting, it is a good idea to begin with a short walk, like one to three miles. You can increase your walking distance gradually as you become more fit.

When you pick a path, think about the ground and your surroundings. Walking outside helps you enjoy nature and take in fresh air. Look for paths with different surfaces, like concrete, dirt, or hills to keep things interesting. If you enjoy walking in cities and taking your backpack along, exploring the city this way can be fun too.

Before you start on a new path or road, it’s good to learn about it first. This can help you avoid surprises. It makes your walk safer and keeps trouble away.

Using gadgets like GPS and map apps is very helpful. They tell you how far you’ve gone. They also let you know your speed. This helps make sure your trip goes well from beginning to end.

Step 3: Mastering How to Sit, Stand, and Move Quickly

To exercise well with a backpack, it’s important to watch how you stand and move. A heavy backpack can lead to back or joint pain, so standing properly is key. Here are some tips to help you keep a good posture while walking with a heavy bag:-

  • Stand straight and avoid bending or leaning forward.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles. They help you carry heavier things.
  • Let your shoulders stay relaxed and low.
  • Take short, quick steps instead of long ones. This makes moving easier and is better for your joints.

Step 4: Gradually Increasing Distance and Weight

When you start to enjoy rucking, it is important to gradually increase the distance and weight you carry. This helps you become stronger and boosts your fitness level. Here are some tips to help you do this safely:

  1. Start slow.
  2. As you get better, walk more.
  3. Add a little more weight each time.
  4. Always listen to your body to stay safe.
  5. Gradually increase your walking distance every week or two. You can add half a mile or a mile to how far you usually go.
  6. When you’re comfortable with longer walks, slowly make your backpack heavier. A good practice is to add 5 to 10 pounds every couple of weeks.
  7. Pay attention to how your body feels. If you feel pain or it’s too hard, carry less weight or walk shorter distances until you feel better.
  8. Watch your heart rate while you walk. It is normal for your heart to beat faster when you walk more miles and carry more weight. This shows your body is working harder.

If we take these steps one at a time and are careful, we will learn to enjoy our time outside for longer. We will also have fun without overdoing it.

Enhancing Your Rucking Experience

Rucking is a great way to stay fit. You can enhance it with some simple changes. Here’s how to make your rucking routine better:

  1. Joining a group like GORUCK helps you meet people who like rucking too. You will enjoy taking part in events with them.
  2. Adding different workouts, like yoga or weight lifting, makes you stronger.
  3. Mental strength is important in rucking. Set goals, keep focused, and get through hard times.
  4. Change things up by rucking in new places or using different weights. It makes the activity more fun and exciting.

Adding Rucking to Your Everyday Workout Routine

Adding rucking to your regular workout can make it more fun. It’s a unique exercise that works well with other activities. Here are some ways to include rucking in your routine:

  1. Looking for an easy workout? Try rucking. It’s good for your heart and helps you burn calories too.
  2. Want to build muscle? Start walking with some weight or march as part of your exercise.
  3. It makes your workouts interesting and uses different muscles.
  4. Combining it with trail running or yoga can give you a full workout.
  5. Always listen to your body. Change how often and how hard you workout based on your fitness goals.
  6. I added rucking to my weekly workout list for strengthening my trail runs.

Mix Rucking with Different Exercises for Top Results

To get better at rucking, consider adding some new exercises to your routine. Here’s one idea:

  • Fill your backpack with sandbags. This makes it heavier.
  • A heavier backpack means your workout will be tougher.
  • It’s a good way to challenge yourself and make your exercises harder.

You can try walking on a treadmill with a weighted backpack. This way, you can control how fast you walk and how steep the slope is. It helps you keep track of your progress and slowly make your workouts harder, which can raise your heart rate. Treadmill walking is especially great when the weather outside isn’t right for taking a walk with your backpack.

My current routine on the treadmill with my 25 pound ruck is, I start at an incline of 3 or 4% and walk it for 2-3 minutes and then gradually increase the incline to 5,6,7 etc. Then I work my way back down to 3, currently I try to stick with 30 minutes in the afternoon. Sometimes it runs over, just depends on the workout and how I feel. That really gets the heartrate going and I feel great afterwards.

  • You can pick how fast and how steep to go.
  • It helps you notice how well you’re doing and encourage yourself to try harder.
  • Great for those days when the weather isn’t nice.

Rucking is a great way to burn off extra calories! How many calories you burn depends on a few things. These are your weight, how far you go, and how fast you walk. To make it simple, a person who weighs 163 pounds can burn about 400 calories in an hour of rucking. If you want to lose weight or stay fit, think about adding sandbags to your workouts. You can also use a treadmill more often with a heavier load. It can really help you achieve your fitness goals.

Advanced Rucking Strategies

  • Increase the distance you ruck.
  • Add more weight to your backpack.
  • Try new trails or routes.
  • Ruck at a faster pace.
  • Combine rucking with other exercises.

If you slowly carry more and walk further, you will get stronger and keep going longer.

Also, consider wearing a heavy vest for long walks. This extra weight can make your workouts harder. It is good for making your muscles stronger and improving your heart health. Start with a lighter vest and add more weight slowly as you get fitter.

Creating a Step-by-Step Guide to Carry a Backpack: From Beginner to Pro

To improve at rucking, which means walking or running with a heavy backpack, start slowly. Then, gradually push yourself more. Begin with a light weight in your backpack, around 10 to 20 pounds. Keep your trips to shorter distances, between one to three miles.

As time passes, you can add more weight to your backpack or wear a heavy vest. You may also choose to walk longer distances or pick trails that go uphill. The aim is to challenge yourself as much as possible. To make it harder and work different parts of your body, try doing lunges, squats, and push-ups with your backpack during your walks.

If you want to improve your workout, consider using dumbbells. They can help your muscles work harder when you walk with a weighted pack. Just be sure to pick weights that are right for you at first. Choose weights that feel easy to handle. As you get stronger, remember to slowly increase the weight.

Staying on Top: Advice for Non-stop Getting Better

When you feel stuck in your fitness routine, especially with rucking, it can be frustrating. But don’t worry. There are many ways to move forward and improve.

  1. First, try switching things up when you are rucking.
  2. You can also do lunges or squats while carrying your backpack.
  3. This helps in two main ways:
  4. It makes your workouts more fun.
  5. It is good for your quads and backside in different ways.

You can decide to make things harder or go further. You could carry a heavier backpack, walk farther, or climb steeper hills. Another choice is to walk faster for short times when you are walking. By looking for new challenges and pushing yourself more than before, you can get through those tough moments. Doing this will make you stronger and help you keep going.

Safety Measures and Injury Prevention

Rucking, like other exercises, can cause injuries. But, if you follow the right steps and use tips to stay safe, you can lower the chance of injury. This way, you can enjoy your time doing it safely.


Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh tracked 451 soldiers over a year of training. Of the 28 injuries that came from exercise, 18 injuries came from running, 7 injuries came from lifting weights, and only 3 came from rucking. This data makes sense. GORUCK

  • When people walk with heavy things, a practice known as rucking, they often face several common problems. These include:
  1. Pain in the shoulders
  2. Pain in the lower back
  3. Feeling uncomfortable because of the heaviness

To avoid these problems, it is important to stand and walk correctly. Keep your belly muscles tight. Pull your shoulders back and do not hunch or lean too much. Keeping an upright posture is important for your safety and can help prevent injuries. It is wise to slowly increase the weight you carry and the distance you walk. This allows your body to adjust gradually.

Putting a cushion or padding in your backpack helps to spread out the weight. This makes it feel less painful or uncomfortable in certain spots. Also, wearing shoes that have good support and soft soles helps keep your feet steady and prevents problems.

Common Rucking Injuries and How to Avoid Them

When you go rucking, your shoulders and lower back may hurt. You may feel sore from carrying heavy items. To prevent this, you can try a few easy things.

If your shoulders hurt, it might be due to how you’re wearing your backpack. Try adjusting the straps. Make them tighter or looser so that the bag fits well on both shoulders and your upper back. This way, the weight will be even. Then, you won’t feel pain in just one area of your back.

When you start lifting heavy things quickly or walk incorrectly while rucking, it can hurt your lower back. Be careful about this. Start with light items first. As you get stronger, you can slowly lift heavier things. Keep your back straight and your stomach muscles tight. This makes a big difference.

Do you feel strange because you’re carrying something heavy? Here’s an idea:

  • Choose a backpack that has padding.
  • This helps spread the weight and keeps you more comfortable on long walks.
  • Also, it’s nicer to carry.

If you fix those straps the right way and stand up straight like people suggest, you will feel better. Pick a bag that is friendly to your body. This way, you can have a good time without extra pain bothering you.

Eating and Drinking: How to Keep Your Body Full of Energy for Long Walks

Eating and Drinking: How to Keep Your Body Full of Energy for Long Walks

Eating well and drinking enough water are important for keeping your energy up during long walks. You need to have what your body needs. This will help you perform better and recover faster afterwards.

When you go out for a ruck, remember to bring water bottles or a hydration pack. This will keep you hydrated. The amount of water you need can change depending on the weather or how hard you are working out. It also depends on how long you are active. A good rule to follow is to drink about 17 to 20 ounces of water for every hour you are moving.

Eating and drinking the right way is very important for your body. Before you go on a hike, eat a big meal or snack. This meal should have carbs to give you energy and protein to help your muscles recover. If you plan to hike for a long time, bring snacks like energy bars or trail mix. They are easy to eat and help keep your energy up.

  • Water
  • A sports drink
  • Energy bars
  • Trail mix aka GORP
  • A sandwich
  • Fruit
  • A protein shake
  • Jerky
  • Nuts
  • A granola bar


Starting your journey with ruck marching is good for your body and mind. If you have the right gear and pay attention to your posture, you will get stronger when you up the challenge little by little. Whether you are just starting or trying to get better, stay safe and avoid injuries first. Think about mixing ruck marching with your regular workouts and other exercises for better health gains. Remember to drink enough water, eat well, and stay positive as you reach new goals in your ruck marches!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ideal Weight for a Beginner’s Ruck?

If you are new to rucking, there isn’t a fixed weight to begin with. It depends on your fitness level and what feels good for you. A good starting point could be around 10 to 20 pounds. As you get stronger and feel more comfortable, you can gradually increase the weight in your ruck.

I started with a 25 pound weight, its pretty heavy. At times I wish I would have chosen more wisely with a 20 pound weight.